But you may want to take my words to heart if you’d like to live up to those progressive memes you share on Facebook all the time. There’s only one capital H-i-m and it’s not me. As a black man within the gay community, I recognize that shit all the time and have a few points I’d like to discuss with you. As a result, there are often times when you don’t recognize when your behavior towards people of color veers into problematic territory. the world, you must admit, you have no clue what it means to be racially discriminated against. You mean well when it comes to race relations but, as a white man in.
You’re good guys, I know this to be true. I’m talking to you ― the cisgendered, white, gay men out there who hold no ill will towards minorities (especially black and brown ones) but somehow have never found themselves in bed with one. I’ve never been one to throw that word around casually and even though I’m sure there are some that word would fit like a glove, I’m not talking to them. Before I begin, I want you to understand that I’m not calling all of you racist.